Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Dermabrush Advanced Cleansing System Review

I have been using this cleansing system, with my on cleansers, for over a month and have to give this ★★★★☆ (4)! This retails for around $30-$40 online depending on where and when you buy it. I got mine for $17 at my local Ross. 
The requires four AA batteries that are not included in the packaging.  It comes with 4 brushes. I've attempted to use all four and honestly only see two as useful.  It comes with a small face brush, a larger body brush, a sponge-type brush meant to get the face ready for moisturizing, and a pumice.  The face and body brushes are amazing! They don't pull the skin and feel like a mini-massage.  The sponge is completely pointless, I really don't see how you are supposed to use it. I've even tried using it to apply moisturizer and of course that didn't work. The pumice is nice if you enjoy them, personally I don't like pumice stones I prefer something like the PedEgg.
As for quality and effectiveness, it is amazing! Like I said, I've been using it for over a month and can definitely tell a difference in my skin.  I want to put out there that I have bad acne and have had bad acne since elementary school.  I am also pregnant.  After seeing that I was no longer getting any new breakouts I wasn't sure if it was due to the pregnancy or the cleansing system.  I decided to stop using the brush for a week and wash my face as I had been before. It only took a couple of days to get a breakout! So my new skin is definitely due to this system!  I feel like my face gets cleaner than it has ever been.
I use the brush twice a day, in the morning before makeup application and at night before bed.  I have not had to replace the batteries since I bought the brush.  It really does help my foundation go on much smoother in the morning.  After I've removed my makeup with cleansing cloths as I usually do, when I use the brush before bed makeup residue is on the brush. 
I recommend this brush for anyone! Especially for those like me who cannot afford one of the more popular high end cleansing systems like the Clarisonic.  

Why only 4 stars? 
I only use 2 of the 4 brushes included with the brush, and as of right now I have not been able to find replacement brush heads.

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