Thursday, October 16, 2014

Halloween Mermaid: Fresh Out of Water

Hi! This is my second look for my 2014 Halloween series!

I mainly used shadows from the BH Cosmetics 120 Color Palette, the original one, and just alternated between the darker purples and shimmery blue/teals from the top half
And the dark blues from the bottom half
OK! First I put in some circle lenses just to make my eyes look a little bigger and green.  I got mine from they are the Angelic Eye Princess Green
Next foundation, then dawn your mask, fishnets. This will help create the scaly effect of fish

Use a cream base to help with the pigmentation of the shadows.  You could use some maybe line color tattoos, MAC paint pots, or just some of the cream colors that come in those cheap halloween makeup sets like I did!  I used the blue first and then the purple.  I went around my face where I normally contour and made a triangle shape down the middle of my head. After the cream bases, just go over that with the dark purple and dark blue eyeshadows from the 120 palette.  Try to put the darker shades around the edges and lighten as you go more towards the center.
Fill in your brows with the same two cream colors and set with the dark purple shadow. 
Next I used Jessie's Girl eye dust in sunstone to highlight the face on my cheeks, chin, center of the head, and on the inner corners and first half of the lids. The shimmery purple shade next to the dark purple shade in the 120 palette on the outer half of the lid, the dark purple shadow in the crease and lower lid, Stila smudge stick: Tetra on the waterline, Maybeline gel liner winged liner topped with the dark purple shadow.
Last create an ombre lip by putting the shimmer purple eyeshadow in the center, the the dark purple shadow next to it, then the dark plus shadow on the corners. And add some lashes.
If you really want to have a complete look wet your hair and add a little oil to prolong the "wet look."  My hair is already curly so I didn't have to try too hard but if your is straight I suggest braiding it or loosely curling it and spraying with some sea salt spray to create beach curls. 

Thanks so much for reading! Stay tuned!

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